
5 months at new job and it is toxic

Just venting.Two stories here. Story One: I am part of a four person team doing administrative duties except my role is geared more towards Finance. I do have administrative tasks. Three team members work the front desk and I am located in a ‘quieter’ area because the nature of Finance. We all get along with each other except for one, Brittany. Brittany has been there the longest, a little over a year. The rest of us all got hired within a few months of each other. Brittany does not have administrative background, very little computer skills, and no people skills. Brittany is rude, hovers over the other two team members, is very chatty and loud with clients, and micromanages. She believes she is the face of the company and is important. She is quick to jump to bosses rescue and the bosses don’t see her toxicity. The new hires, Jane…

Just venting.Two stories here. Story One: I am part of a four person team doing administrative duties except my role is geared more towards Finance. I do have administrative tasks. Three team members work the front desk and I am located in a ‘quieter’ area because the nature of Finance. We all get along with each other except for one, Brittany. Brittany has been there the longest, a little over a year. The rest of us all got hired within a few months of each other. Brittany does not have administrative background, very little computer skills, and no people skills. Brittany is rude, hovers over the other two team members, is very chatty and loud with clients, and micromanages. She believes she is the face of the company and is important. She is quick to jump to bosses rescue and the bosses don’t see her toxicity. The new hires, Jane and Leah, are sick of her shit and are going to leave. I have learned that others before us have left because of her. Jane had a minor meltdown this morning and went to talk to one of the bosses about it all. Leah is the strong one amongst us and she got worn down today, giving in to writing a letter to the bosses about Brittany’s behaviour. We all love our jobs, thats the kicker. HR is located in another building down the street but because of past resignations, HR is somewhat aware of what Brittany is like.

Story Two: This is more about my role. I am absolutely swamped with work. I am two months behind in my Finance duties because something administrative (photocopying, supply ordering, data entry, booking hotels and flights, assisting with needs) is always taking up my time. I am supposed to be in a ‘quiet’ area (think office with door but there is a back room with a few others, I will call them resource people, who deal with many clients) but it is NOT quiet. There are constant interruptions with people asking me if this or that resource person is in. I am not the resource secretary either and the constant interruptions are driving me insane! I have been speaking with other coworkers and I have learned that prior people in my role would occasionally stay until 8 or 9pm to keep things caught up. I definitely cannot stay at the office so I asked for ability to work from home in the evenings and weekends. I have also asked that I be moved to a more quieter area and if I can shed my admin duties to fully concentrate on the very busy Finance duties. Yes, big ask. Bosses are stuck in the ‘well that has always been this persons role in the past’. Guess what? Where are those people now? Oh they left and I am not far behind them. I do love my duties, it is just all a bit too much. One thing that keeps popping up in my mind…we had a going away luncheon for Rachel who did my job before me. I was talking to a new coworker, and I asked him what he does and I told him what I do. He looked at me and said ‘Well good luck to you, we’ll see how long you last here’. Yep, huge red flag.

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