
5 years of experience

I am trying to get over my fears of the changes involved in progressing my career. I’m specifically looking to do something that really sparks joy (man I feel beyond guilty at the level of privilege required to have that be what I’m hoping for instead of an income that can support my family..) Beyond that, I also just want to work for and with people who appreciate me as a human.. I know I would be preaching to the pastors on that one, so I won’t rant, but yeah.. So I turn on a few alerts for potential avenues – that is to say that I’m even willing to take a slight pay cut – despite being due a raise just to keep up with inflation, not to mention any functional increase in my compensation (after being adjusted for inflation over the last 16 months), or take a lower…

I am trying to get over my fears of the changes involved in progressing my career. I’m specifically looking to do something that really sparks joy (man I feel beyond guilty at the level of privilege required to have that be what I’m hoping for instead of an income that can support my family..)
Beyond that, I also just want to work for and with people who appreciate me as a human.. I know I would be preaching to the pastors on that one, so I won’t rant, but yeah..

So I turn on a few alerts for potential avenues – that is to say that I’m even willing to take a slight pay cut – despite being due a raise just to keep up with inflation, not to mention any functional increase in my compensation (after being adjusted for inflation over the last 16 months), or take a lower level position to make the change, but everything I’m seeing is requiring – not recommending – 4 or 5 years of experience, some for legitimately entry level positions making 60% what I make, like something suitable for someone coming out of college, with 5 years of work experience and a bachelors degree minimum?

I know it’s long been a ‘joke’ that entry level positions require work experience but, I’ve been out of school for 3 years, and working in my field for a week less than that. I’ve received several raises and a sizable promotion during my time here. I feel legitimately gaslighted when I read these job postings. I think I’m qualified for positions above the ones I’m looking at that are telling me I don’t have enough experience even for those?!

I feel both as though I’m completely ready to take the next step up in my career and simultaneously as though if I were fired tomorrow I would soon somehow be destitute because apparently I’m not even qualified to start working for anyone. A tier 2 position is what I’m planning on/at this point hoping for. That’s what makes sense – at least in my mind – based on my background.

I feel like I’m waiting for the perfect thing to come along that fits my needs and doesn’t have unrealistic requirements, but I know that isn’t all I can be doing. I just don’t know what more it would be!

Any advise would be appreciated.

For anyone who may have more specific knowledge: I am currently working in IT/software automation (combo role) and am looking at a pivot into cybersecurity once I finish my Security+

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