
5 Years working at a healthcare company, Steller Annual Reviews, Requested Letter of Rec From Manager. Declined due to “policy”. I’m Seething.

As the title says, I currently work at one of the larger healthcare groups in the country(US). Close to two years I've been working FTE +OT for this employer, while also taking evening Community College classes, while working to apply to PA school. This manger has know my aspirations for +3 years, as well as my recent Acing of my classes this year. This manager also helped me get a bonus once some corporates benefit restructure went through earlier this year. I asked my manager via private email for a letter of recommendation, if possible. They declined after several days of me sending a request, stating that someone from corporate cited official policy that no managers can give recommendations to 3rd parties from current and former employees. They forwarded me the link and highlighted a screen shot of the policy. ​ Dicks. I only need 2 letters of Rec and…

As the title says, I currently work at one of the larger healthcare groups in the country(US). Close to two years I've been working FTE +OT for this employer, while also taking evening Community College classes, while working to apply to PA school. This manger has know my aspirations for +3 years, as well as my recent Acing of my classes this year. This manager also helped me get a bonus once some corporates benefit restructure went through earlier this year.

I asked my manager via private email for a letter of recommendation, if possible. They declined after several days of me sending a request, stating that someone from corporate cited official policy that no managers can give recommendations to 3rd parties from current and former employees. They forwarded me the link and highlighted a screen shot of the policy.


I only need 2 letters of Rec and was hoping to have my current employer provide 1 from said manager or 1 from a director. I'm sure I can ask 1 or 2 providers within my department, but still. I've been fuming all day at how strict to corporate protocol is written and enforced.

Converse to that, my former employer and a provider from said employer are more than happy to offer writing a letter of rec. While I love it, I still wish I had a stellar, current employer letter of rec. But I guess even when we do great for corporate, corporate rules can just as easily show you the finger.

That said, it bugs me to notice the verbiage of the policy is very centered towards letter of reference for employment purposes (which makes sense, in order to reduce competition), but my request is for a academic program. At this point, I feel it's equally not bring up and just thanking my manager for looking into it…. As well as my director hasn't responded, and don't know if/how I would approach this.

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