
6 Years Wasted

There was a time I had pride in my work. Where I would try to instill that pride into others whilst working here. I wanted the place to look nice, I wanted others to be better. I took the inventory manager position due to the absolutely laughable excuse for a pay scale that the IT department is subject to, and was finally happy with myself thinking I had gotten somewhere. My manager was the CFO before the new Controller was hired and, for a time, we got along quite well. Until one day in particular where I got into a misunderstanding with the HR Director. The Controller doesn’t understand the value of information and let slide the exact goings-on of what occurred for me to be placed on a PIP. HR Director complained to the CEO, CEO complained to the CFO, and the CFO sent it back down to The…

There was a time I had pride in my work. Where I would try to instill that pride into others whilst working here. I wanted the place to look nice, I wanted others to be better. I took the inventory manager position due to the absolutely laughable excuse for a pay scale that the IT department is subject to, and was finally happy with myself thinking I had gotten somewhere. My manager was the CFO before the new Controller was hired and, for a time, we got along quite well. Until one day in particular where I got into a misunderstanding with the HR Director. The Controller doesn’t understand the value of information and let slide the exact goings-on of what occurred for me to be placed on a PIP. HR Director complained to the CEO, CEO complained to the CFO, and the CFO sent it back down to The Controller. I was reprimanded with “having little to no knowledge of the storage units and their content” with some other hodge-podge tacked on to make it seem compelling. Not having knowledge about something you’re supposed to be over is the fault of a lack of training, but despite that being the case, their excuse was “sometimes you have to ask questions.” I was then given a massive list to complete by a certain date, to which I did complete. Every task list was completed and an extension of time was even given. I did not request this extension of time – but rather it was done so that I could not only develop, but execute the inventory process for the smoke shops we acquired. I was placed out of work with covid and was called over the phone to be told of my demotion – to our sister site 36 miles away from my home of all places. On night shifts. My paperwork stating none of what the PIP was originally for, instead reading that my demotion was due to “gross mistreatment of an employee.” I requested paperwork on exactly what I did that was mistreatment of an employee but was never given even one paper. I was also denied a “gas card” of 25 dollars a week despite living 36 miles away. Conspicuously, I tried to avoid the long drive by asking if there was anything closer, to which HR Director said this was what the deal was and it had to be accepted or I would be forced to resign. The day after I accepted the sister site position, 3 more became available at 3 sites much closer to me, one even being where I was located already – much closer to home. When asked about those, I was now told I had to go through the interview process. A better case of corporate bullying could not be offered up in my opinion.

6 years of my life given to somewhere I thought actually cared, but 1 argument with a member of executive management was all it took for a kangaroo court to shuffle me off to a corner to be forgotten about. To the people who worked there that I could call friend, you truly made it a nice place to come to everyday and I wish you the best. To the members of executive management minus 3 of you I regard as friends, you are all power and money hungry and I sincerely hope that you receive karma for your actions against not only me, but to any others that feel slighted simply by standing up for themselves when their management wouldn’t.

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