
88 Update

If you care to read the original post: Armed with a lot of great advice and support I tried some of the suggestions from my previous post this morning. I saw 88 coming and didn’t acknowledge her like I normally do. I just kept working on my pc. She said, “Slow day?” Without looking at her I replied, “No ma’am, very busy in fact. How may I help you?” She stood there without saying anything and I just kept working. After several seconds I said without ever looking at her, “If you don’t need anything then I need to finish what I’m working on.” She hrumphed and walked off mumbling. About an hour later I saw her headed my way again. I was in between tasks so I jumped up and started toward the restroom. She asked me, in a snarky way, where I was headed. I said restroom…

If you care to read the original post:

Armed with a lot of great advice and support I tried some of the suggestions from my previous post this morning.

I saw 88 coming and didn’t acknowledge her like I normally do. I just kept working on my pc. She said, “Slow day?” Without looking at her I replied, “No ma’am, very busy in fact. How may I help you?” She stood there without saying anything and I just kept working. After several seconds I said without ever looking at her, “If you don’t need anything then I need to finish what I’m working on.” She hrumphed and walked off mumbling.

About an hour later I saw her headed my way again. I was in between tasks so I jumped up and started toward the restroom. She asked me, in a snarky way, where I was headed. I said restroom and then asked if that’s okay. Her eyes widened and she said that was none of her business to which I replied, “It’s not.” And walked past her.

I know she’ll never change so I’m going to have to. Instead of being trapped by my deep seated belief that the elderly need to be protected and treated with dignity, I now see that old age isn’t an excuse for bad behavior in the workplace.

I’m almost positive she’ll complain but I don’t think what I said to her was improper. Maybe it’ll open dialogue with management and things will be set right (not holding my breath).

Thank you all who commented on my previous post for the great insight from your own similar experiences and hilarious comebacks and suggested actions (Slap her dentures out of her head!) Of course no one should do that but it made me laugh.

I’ll start working on becoming more assertive with her and not letting it build up.

Let me know if you want to hear updates regarding me and 88.

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