
Work-life balance

My wife called me in tears because her boss stopped her on the way out the door to discuss some non-urgent stuff like he often does. This discussion went on for over 2 hours and caused her to miss her salon appointment and two other errands — one of them for work — because the stores were closed when she finally got free. She was super frustrated and pissed off. This kind of thing happens practically every day, and it continues when she's not at the office. He texts her and calls her at all hours on every day of the week. Apparently he does this to all his reports. I talked to her about setting boundaries and about being careful not to blame him directly since she didn't actually tell him she had no time to talk. English is not her primary language so I said I'd help her…

My wife called me in tears because her boss stopped her on the way out the door to discuss some non-urgent stuff like he often does. This discussion went on for over 2 hours and caused her to miss her salon appointment and two other errands — one of them for work — because the stores were closed when she finally got free. She was super frustrated and pissed off. This kind of thing happens practically every day, and it continues when she's not at the office. He texts her and calls her at all hours on every day of the week. Apparently he does this to all his reports.

I talked to her about setting boundaries and about being careful not to blame him directly since she didn't actually tell him she had no time to talk. English is not her primary language so I said I'd help her send him a message. Together we crafted an email to her boss that said, basically, “my time belongs to me”, “you can't keep bothering me with work topics when I am off work”, and “you should send questions in an email so I can answer when I'm back at work” and so on. It also conveyed her frustration and specified some specific things he does wrong. It finished with “if you can't accept my request, I won't continue working here.”

After a few edits she was happy with it and she sent the email to her boss a little bit after midnight. 15 minutes later he texted her. “I read your email. Are you available to talk now?”

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