
Impending doom..

*BIG sigh* I've been miserable for 2yrs working for a large ecommerce company. The past 4 months have been excruciating. A micromanager, a team chat focusing only on metrics and hourly attainment updates, silenced after pursuing a side project (prompted by the micromanager who wanted me to do more work so I could qualify for a promotion), having that project stolen months later by the same manager who spun the project into her own words and later asked for my research and participation with it.. I'm conflicted. There's a recession afoot. I live in a house with my partner and roommates, barely able to afford rent/groceries/bills. My partner is in school full time, completing a second degree. Buying a house would be cheaper (considering cost of rent and utilities), but back end debt. Work-life balance is non-existent. Working from home, specifically out of the one bedroom we rent, so no…

*BIG sigh*

I've been miserable for 2yrs working for a large ecommerce company. The past 4 months have been excruciating. A micromanager, a team chat focusing only on metrics and hourly attainment updates, silenced after pursuing a side project (prompted by the micromanager who wanted me to do more work so I could qualify for a promotion), having that project stolen months later by the same manager who spun the project into her own words and later asked for my research and participation with it.. I'm conflicted.

There's a recession afoot. I live in a house with my partner and roommates, barely able to afford rent/groceries/bills. My partner is in school full time, completing a second degree. Buying a house would be cheaper (considering cost of rent and utilities), but back end debt. Work-life balance is non-existent. Working from home, specifically out of the one bedroom we rent, so no separation.

I am desperate to do something I love, or at least do something I like that does not involve answering to a manager. Aka, working for myself. I thought about becoming a commercial cleaner or even a house cleaner (I love cleaning/organizing), but starting that during the beginning phase of a recession? I wanted to open a floral shop, but again, concerned about the success of that during a recession.

If any of you have heard the term “I'm Blown” in the restaurant industry, think of my situation as that. I'm fucking blown. I don't know what to do and I can literally feel everything that ever made me ME, slipping away.

Any advice on quitting a toxic work environment quickly, along with switching career paths/starting a business during a recession, would be greatly appreciated.

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