
PSA. Purchasing power is the accurate way to compare wages. All but one inflation source is fake

There's so many different factors when it comes to comparing wages to the past like increased taxes, new programs taxed, new and increased local taxes, inflation of goods and services, even the fact that needing a babysitter use to not be common, now it is common, and can be 25%-50%+ of your income, etc. That's why it's also hard to get a completely accurate inflation reading, and the official CPI number is grossly under what the reality is. When it comes to CPI, it also purposely uses misleading stats to come up with it, so inflation normally doesn't look bad, even though in reality we're losing a good amount of purchasing power every year even when CPI looks “normal”. Purchasing power is the only real numbers out there that tell the most accurate story. How much your money is actually buying you is what really matters anyways. I recently had…

There's so many different factors when it comes to comparing wages to the past like increased taxes, new programs taxed, new and increased local taxes, inflation of goods and services, even the fact that needing a babysitter use to not be common, now it is common, and can be 25%-50%+ of your income, etc. That's why it's also hard to get a completely accurate inflation reading, and the official CPI number is grossly under what the reality is. When it comes to CPI, it also purposely uses misleading stats to come up with it, so inflation normally doesn't look bad, even though in reality we're losing a good amount of purchasing power every year even when CPI looks “normal”.

Purchasing power is the only real numbers out there that tell the most accurate story. How much your money is actually buying you is what really matters anyways. I recently had a conversation with an older gentleman in his late 80's, early 90's, and he was telling me how he used to have either his rent or mortgage paid for the month in 8 hours of working. He doesn't speak the clearest, so I couldn't make out if he meant a mortgage, house, or apartment, but I'm sure regardless of what you live in, any of us would be in tears of joy if 8 hours paid our monthly living accommodations. They have robbed us of so much purchasing power, that 8-16 hours would be paying our rent, mortgage, or other accommodations, if we weren't robbed of our purchasing power, and if they didn't destroy the housing market for new and young buyers.

The only real inflation comes from printing money, printing money is inflation. Any inflation that comes from any other source than printing more money, thus increasing the supply, is fake, made up, AKA the wealthy just making excuses to take more of our money. Yes, I'm sure some of you can come up with the detailed “reasons”, for inflation, but at the end of the day, it's all made up, the whole thing. The only reason pieces of paper with faces have value, is because we've decided collectively to trust our government to back that it has value in some way shape or form, even though they have clearly been violating that trust for decades.

One article claims that it takes $26 to buy what just $1 bought back in 1913. If that's true, that means our one dollar has been split into 26 pieces since then. If you had a family member that saved $100,000 stashed in the ground, you found it, they essentially lost 2.5 million dollars. 2.6 million dollars is what the conversion rate would be according to that article, minus the $100,000, they lost 2.5 million trusting the government to retain the dollars value. That doesn't seem like the FED has been doing a good job for a very long time now. You are literally guaranteed to lose money by saving cash, there's no savings account that even comes close to covering actual inflation every year (not the fake CPI number). The system is literally created to slowly bleed anyone, and everyone, that can't afford to invest in property, or the stock market. 90% of the stock market are people who are already grossly wealthy, they've taken over crypto too now.

The only reason they've gotten away with this is because they keep us so divided, distracted, and arguing amongst ourselves that we don't even see them stealing our wallets. Lately I've seen more and more Democrat/Left leaning posts and comments like they aren't part of the problem too. The left and right need each other, they are both just pieces of the bigger machine. There's reasons they don't let other parties into the debates, or for them to be seen nationally. We only get to choose from their prechosen choices at best, who knows if that's even legit though honestly. Trump was definitely planned, it pulled 3 generations that widely weren't into politics, now die hard political people. They needed more people to believe in the propaganda, more people getting involved, and more importantly, more people divided and arguing amongst each other instead of coming together against them like we should be.

It worked quite successfully too. I probably had one, maybe two friends that cared about politics pre 2016ish, today, most of them have picked their sides and talk about politics more than anything else. It's insane how much, and how many people changed in that short time period. Brainwashing is real, we've all witnessed it at least. Many, even many reading this, are actively brainwashed yourselves believing in the left. The left has proven with their actions they don't care about us either, just as much as the right. Obama had both the house and senate his first term. They could have done anything, and everything, they wanted to make change and make our lives better. They did barely anything when considering the position they were in to do anything they wanted. They don't care about us either, they never have, they never will. Just because their lip service says otherwise, doesn't mean their actions and voting on the job match their lip service, it rarely does.

I've seen so many excuses of why people can't afford to say no to unlivable wages, not allowing bosses or employers to treat them poorly, or unfairly, not accepting unacceptable working conditions, etc. The only reason you believe those excuses are acceptable, is because you've been programmed to believe those excuses are a viable reason to be complacent and not act when you know you should. The reality is, that it is, and has been for decades, costing everyone more money by not saying no, by accepting unlivable wages, by accepting unfair and poor treatment, by accepting unacceptable working conditions. Yes, and everyone else, are costing everyone more money by accepting those things, than the hardships that would occur if we all woke up tomorrow and refused to accept those things.

We would be rioting if we woke up and things that cost a dollar were now $26, but we have no problem accepting it when they slowly do it over 70 years. The labor movements that our grandparents, great Grandparents, etc, fought for had sacrifices too. What, you don't think they had rent, kids to feed, and all the things we have to worry about if we lose our jobs? No, they did too. They were just smarter than us and realized that we have the power to force things to change. They weren't brainwashed like we were into thinking month to month, we can't afford to lose our jobs. They knew that they would be continuing to lose more than the temporary hardship had they been complacent and continued accepting unlivable wages, poor treatment, and poor working conditions.

Every excuse that's made why you, we, can't refuse unlivable wages, poor treatment, and unacceptable working conditions, is a win for the wealthy and corporations. They have successfully programmed you to the point that you believe a temporary hardship is more scary that the dystopia that we're already living, and the fact that it's going to be even worse as time goes on if nothing changes. You are guaranteeing your kids to live a worse life than we are by staying complacent and scared of temporary hardship. The possibility of a temporary hardship, or homelessness, is successfully stopping many from the one, and only thing, that would be able to make it so you never had to worry about missing your rent again. If we could find a way to deprogram the masses to make them realize that it literally already has been costing them more to keep taking the abuse, than it would to fight back, we could make everything change overnight. We literally cannot afford to keep taking the abuse. SOME PEOPLE WORK FULL TIME AND ARE STILL HOMELESS AND HUNGRY. How bad does it have to get to realize that it's not going to get any better unless we force it to?

It's not going to get any better, it's only going to get worse. The only way to change things is to refuse to accept less than we deserve and need to live a happy and healthy life.

These are our choices

  1. We stand up and be the generation to fight back, and stop accepting unlivable wages, poor treatment, poor working conditions, and a big one that's widely overlooked, stop accepting products made from countries that don't have or follow environmental laws, don't have or follow child labor laws, don't have or follow fair wage laws, don't have or follow employee safety codes. Continuing to accept products from those places promotes treating employees unfairly, poorly, not caring about their safety, etc. We're complete hypocrites if we're okay with buying products made by children, etc.

  2. We become, and stay, another complacent generation that sits back being fooled by propaganda, and arguing would rich old guy that wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire is better than the other. Then we hope another generation has the proverbial balls to stand up since we didn't.

  3. No one ever stands up and we just allow the elite and wealthy to completely destroy the world and everyone in it.

FYI, since it's widely not broadcasted to the public, THE WHOLE FUCKING WORLD INCLUDING THE NILE RIVER, BIGGEST RIVER IN THE WORLD, HAVE BEEN RUNNING OUT OF FRESH WATER FOR DECADES. Yes, we're not just talking lake Mead, go look almost anywhere in the US bodies of water, you can see how high they used to all be. It was one of the things that shocked me road tripping across the country. Made me look into it more, and we're sure as shit running out of fresh water. If we don't start to fix the earth's soil that we've destroyed, to create more rainfall, we're all fucked. Every animal other than ocean fish, every human, we're all fucking dead if we don't start fixing the water problem yesterday. The dystopia is real.

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