
“We only want to hear positive opinions today”

That is what I was told in the meeting yesterday… Manager was telling us about a new “initiative” that is only going to make everyone's job more of a pain in the ass than it is already. Whoever came up with it CLEARLY did not think it through AT ALL. We were asked our opinion of this new initiative, and I expressed my concerns. I kept things professional and made what I thought were constrictive criticisms based on experience (this is not the first time they have tried this new policy and it was a nightmare the last time). Manager just shut me and another team member down and said she only wants to hear how excited we are about it… Why even ask? What was the point of this? The manager had the nerve to ask me why I was “so quiet” the rest of the day. Fuck this…

That is what I was told in the meeting yesterday… Manager was telling us about a new “initiative” that is only going to make everyone's job more of a pain in the ass than it is already. Whoever came up with it CLEARLY did not think it through AT ALL. We were asked our opinion of this new initiative, and I expressed my concerns. I kept things professional and made what I thought were constrictive criticisms based on experience (this is not the first time they have tried this new policy and it was a nightmare the last time). Manager just shut me and another team member down and said she only wants to hear how excited we are about it… Why even ask? What was the point of this?

The manager had the nerve to ask me why I was “so quiet” the rest of the day.

Fuck this job

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