
help with communication issue

Hey everyone, So I just wanted to collect some insight into a communication issue I'm having at work. I work for a landscape company that has multiple teams working on individual lists of properties to maintain. Sometimes two teams work together on one property for fall cleanup as an example. Traditionally the crew leader is the one that gives out instructions. If the crew leader is unavailable to give instructions, the responsibility should then fall on the lead hand. Yesterday our teams were put in this position where there were multiple crew members working together blowing leaves into piles without anyone stepping up to the plate to take the lead and help organize the work that needed to be completed. All of us are fully qualified to be our own crew leaders, and so we were taking turns delegating tasks that needed to be done to each other and naturally…

Hey everyone,

So I just wanted to collect some insight into a communication issue I'm having at work.

I work for a landscape company that has multiple teams working on individual lists of properties to maintain.

Sometimes two teams work together on one property for fall cleanup as an example. Traditionally the crew leader is the one that gives out instructions. If the crew leader is unavailable to give instructions, the responsibility should then fall on the lead hand.

Yesterday our teams were put in this position where there were multiple crew members working together blowing leaves into piles without anyone stepping up to the plate to take the lead and help organize the work that needed to be completed.

All of us are fully qualified to be our own crew leaders, and so we were taking turns delegating tasks that needed to be done to each other and naturally there were disgrunted People taking it personally when it should be constructive. There is a smell in the air that everyone assumes everyone else doesn't know eat they're doing but I know each of us understand exactly what to do. We all have many years experience.

I suggested that the senior crew member be the one to take the lead and that we should all follow his instructions but others including myself felt his instructions weren't clear or consistent with the companies expectations.

After taking time to reflect on the day, I understand that it's more important for me to do what I know needs to be done but there's too much testosterone getting in the way of us working comfortably as a team.

So my question is how can I build trust with my co-workers and do things the way we're supposed to as a company? Not to toot my horn, but I know I can be an excellent crew leader because I care and see the big picture. There is just not enough growth in the company right now for new crews to be made so I'm just waiting in line for my promotion.

Hopefully I've articulated the situation well, I'm sure this applies to many jobs so vicariously it should be useful conversation.

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