
HELP WANTED, literally..

Curious about opinions on my situation…. So this may be a long story, I work for the state I live in, the department of transportation to be exact. I’m on a crew and have a high level tree nut allergy. I let my foreman and other crew members know off rip of my allergy, showed them my epi-pen and how to use it incase of an emergency. Well, a couple months have gone by, and for some reason my foreman last week decided it would be funny to physically throw tree nuts at me whilst taking a break. I felt very uncomfortable and told him I didn’t appreciate that and to not do it anymore please, which as soon as I finished telling him that he called me out to the rest of the crew to make a joke out of it. I came to him one on one and…

Curious about opinions on my situation….

So this may be a long story, I work for the state I live in, the department of transportation to be exact. I’m on a crew and have a high level tree nut allergy. I let my foreman and other crew members know off rip of my allergy, showed them my epi-pen and how to use it incase of an emergency. Well, a couple months have gone by, and for some reason my foreman last week decided it would be funny to physically throw tree nuts at me whilst taking a break. I felt very uncomfortable and told him I didn’t appreciate that and to not do it anymore please, which as soon as I finished telling him that he called me out to the rest of the crew to make a joke out of it. I came to him one on one and man to man and he did not respect that at all. Then after calling me out, he proceeded to tell me I “was in the wrong place, and he would do what he wanted” and that “I’m probably not even really allergic to them”. Even after that incident I decided to be the bigger person regardless of the situation. Maybe he wouldn’t do it again, WRONG. The very next day (Last Thursday) I had a CDL class from 8:30-3:30, at 11:45 I got out for a lunch break, I had left my lunchbox in the truck, not knowing my class would be all day, but luckily my crew came back to the location I was at about 11:30, I walked out of the room and seen them in the parking lot. I walk over, grab my lunchbox and go into the break room where they all were. My supervisor was with them filling in for my spot due to my class. When we all sat down, my foreman had a bag of nuts again. He then shook them at me, and called me a “pu**y” and then told my supervisor what I had told him in confidence about please to not do that anymore. My supervisor did not laugh like the rest of the crew did, but didn’t stand up for me right then. I called my supervisor after hours that day and told him the full story about what happened the day before, where he said he didn’t think that was right either and he would say something and “try” to get me on a new crew. And I’ve debated the HR route but I’m hesitant, when I took my drug screen results back before I started, the lady over HR told me “You just missed your new boss, he’s the sweetest guy I’ve ever met, you’ll love him!” WRONG AGAIN. I understand that I’m new, two months in and they’ve all worked together for years and years. I’m just nervous that if he says something it may just make my foreman have more animosity towards me than he already does. Granted, yes I’m very green and make mistakes, not too often but I’ve made a couple. Still, I don’t believe I deserve that. It honestly makes me want to work a two week notice and find a new job. Also, I’m not asking for everyone to quit eating tree nuts just because of me, I’ve dealt with this allergy since I was 3, that’s been 21 years of sacrifices, staying on my toes, looking like a fool when I’ve asked girls if they’ve ate nuts before we kissed lol, but seriously I can only imagine how traumatic that must’ve been on my parents when I had my allergic reaction at 3. From the stories, I almost passed away, and also they told us then that I was a level 4 (The highest level of allergic you can be) and then at 14 I was retested in which they told me that I was still the same level and was likely to have this allergy forever. Any opinions and information is appreciated. I’m not looking for revenge, just a reasonable way to get this matter solved and avoided in the future.

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