
Companies have no clue WHO you are.

I was recently interviewed to join a gaming company. I soon realized that this company were all about the money and not really into the medium of games/design or gaming in general. The position was work from home but they mentioned HYBRID as soon as the interview started. Which I challenged. I could also clearly see the design lead replying and opening emails while I was presenting. Their lack of interest/ absorption of what I was saying became even more clear when I read my feedback for the interview which stated…. “Candidate didn't appear to have an active interest in gaming or the gaming industry in general” I have a HUGE last of us tattoo on my arm that I showed them in the interview because they asked to see it. A design that I illustrated myself too. Also my room is COVERED in gaming posters and art prints which…

I was recently interviewed to join a gaming company.

I soon realized that this company were all about the money and not really into the medium of games/design or gaming in general. The position was work from home but they mentioned HYBRID as soon as the interview started. Which I challenged. I could also clearly see the design lead replying and opening emails while I was presenting.

Their lack of interest/ absorption of what I was saying became even more clear when I read my feedback for the interview which stated….

“Candidate didn't appear to have an active interest in gaming or the gaming industry in general”

I have a HUGE last of us tattoo on my arm that I showed them in the interview because they asked to see it. A design that I illustrated myself too. Also my room is COVERED in gaming posters and art prints which were all in full view.

In short some companies staff will just be completely blind to who you are as a person in relation to the job. They will ask the world of you and not even listen to your responses when you give them.

TLDR: interviewed for a games industry job as a lifelong gamer, was accused of having no passion for the industry.

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