
Can anyone explain 40 hour work weeks

i have been working since my parents kicked me out around 16 and as soon as i hit 18 i started to work full time. i am beginning to feel worn down. even though i work a union job my position is largely considered third rate to them so our working conditions are secondary. the labor we create isnt even our own and the company makes us know that. my social life is gone and i miss my friends so much but they're busy with their own full time gigs. 40 hour work weeks feel like their only purpose is to beat us into submission and isolation so my labor can fill my bosses pockets. sorry if anything isn't clear, writing is not my strong suit.

i have been working since my parents kicked me out around 16 and as soon as i hit 18 i started to work full time. i am beginning to feel worn down. even though i work a union job my position is largely considered third rate to them so our working conditions are secondary. the labor we create isnt even our own and the company makes us know that. my social life is gone and i miss my friends so much but they're busy with their own full time gigs. 40 hour work weeks feel like their only purpose is to beat us into submission and isolation so my labor can fill my bosses pockets.

sorry if anything isn't clear, writing is not my strong suit.

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