
What annoys me about retail is the unnecessary shifting around of stock for no real reason.

Nobody is going to give a fuck if you swap stock on the shelves around to make it look “better”. It's bullshit work that frustrates managers, confuses employees and customers don't real seem to care. My supervisor spent an entire day moving candles around to fit a theme. Does it look nice? Yeah, probably, but the customers won't care, and then they shit it all up after a day or two anyway.

Nobody is going to give a fuck if you swap stock on the shelves around to make it look “better”.

It's bullshit work that frustrates managers, confuses employees and customers don't real seem to care.

My supervisor spent an entire day moving candles around to fit a theme. Does it look nice? Yeah, probably, but the customers won't care, and then they shit it all up after a day or two anyway.

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