
I desperately need something to work out.

Not sure if this is the place for it, but I’m just screaming into the dark at this point. I’ve been out of work for almost two months now. I have a strong resumé, an advanced degree (MA Communications), and solid references, and still job hunting is such a desperate fight. I keep getting ghosted or rejected outright and it’s become incredibly disheartening just to wake up every day to go through the same shit motions. I have an interview tomorrow for a position that I think I have a good shot at, but I’m terrified of what comes next if this opportunity doesn’t pan out. I’m tired and depressed but more than anything I hate how guilty I feel for being unemployed. I just want to sustain myself and contribute something to the world, but can’t help worrying that I’ll wind up a waste. I need, so badly, for…

Not sure if this is the place for it, but I’m just screaming into the dark at this point. I’ve been out of work for almost two months now. I have a strong resumé, an advanced degree (MA Communications), and solid references, and still job hunting is such a desperate fight. I keep getting ghosted or rejected outright and it’s become incredibly disheartening just to wake up every day to go through the same shit motions.
I have an interview tomorrow for a position that I think I have a good shot at, but I’m terrified of what comes next if this opportunity doesn’t pan out. I’m tired and depressed but more than anything I hate how guilty I feel for being unemployed. I just want to sustain myself and contribute something to the world, but can’t help worrying that I’ll wind up a waste.
I need, so badly, for something to work out.

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