
Gift up

So I’ve read a few posts here recently about being asked to gift up to a boss or manager for the holidays. We work for commissions at my job, and I got an email from my manager asking to kick in for a gift for our regional manager. I was actually kind of surprised since it’s been very slow at work and we are not making a lot of money, I actually had to go to the food bank last week. I can’t get my grandkids anything for Christmas. Commission varies, for those who know, Times are extra hard right now. I like my boss and I like her boss, so honestly if I could kick in I would because I genuinely like them, but they know we are all struggling and we never get bonuses or Christmas gifts, so it’s a total gift up. I think I’ll tell the…

So I’ve read a few posts here recently about being asked to gift up to a boss or manager for the holidays. We work for commissions at my job, and I got an email from my manager asking to kick in for a gift for our regional manager. I was actually kind of surprised since it’s been very slow at work and we are not making a lot of money, I actually had to go to the food bank last week.
I can’t get my grandkids anything for Christmas. Commission varies, for those who know, Times are extra hard right now.

I like my boss and I like her boss, so honestly if I could kick in I would because I genuinely like them, but they know we are all struggling and we never get bonuses or Christmas gifts, so it’s a total gift up.

I think I’ll tell the manager who is coordinating this that I would love to participate but had to go to the food bank because I can either buy gas to get to work or food to eat but can’t have both. Hopefully a light bulb goes off in her head that her workforce really can’t do this! I’m not the only one struggling.

Just venting because I’m legitimately surprised about this.

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