
I can’t do it anymore

I have a storied career of call center work, all as an entry level agent because Call Centers are absolutely fucked about promotions so I’ve never gotten one. I got into a new place about 6 months ago. Start up company, lots of growth opportunity, great benefits, cared about employees, it was great. In the last few months we got a new CEO, started outsourcing, dropped every employee benefit that we don’t pay for and life was getting bad. I thought it’s fine, I’ll tough it out, I’m headed for a promotion out of here, I’ll be fine. I had a supervisor request for me to be their lead, other supervisors tell management I should be promoted and I had the best stats in the building. Then they started outsourcing to another country, and that’s when life really started sucking. All of a sudden our call volume skyrockets, I’m doing…

I have a storied career of call center work, all as an entry level agent because Call Centers are absolutely fucked about promotions so I’ve never gotten one.

I got into a new place about 6 months ago. Start up company, lots of growth opportunity, great benefits, cared about employees, it was great.

In the last few months we got a new CEO, started outsourcing, dropped every employee benefit that we don’t pay for and life was getting bad.

I thought it’s fine, I’ll tough it out, I’m headed for a promotion out of here, I’ll be fine. I had a supervisor request for me to be their lead, other supervisors tell management I should be promoted and I had the best stats in the building.

Then they started outsourcing to another country, and that’s when life really started sucking. All of a sudden our call volume skyrockets, I’m doing the work of 2-3 agents every single day, exceeding all stats (my job efficiency rating is 150%+ meaning I am doing 150% of the tasks required) and I’m told oh we’ll start promoting after the new year.

New year starts, still on a hiring freeze while we ramp up the outsourced call center… who is still hiring and has no plans to stop.

And today, I hit my breaking point. Before the 4 hour point of my shift I had already taken our daily required calls (30-40 if you’re really good), of those, every single customer had cussed me out and screamed at me over a problem we solved that we aren’t able to tell them anything about other than it will be fixed in 24 business hours.

After getting cussed out and screamed at, to the point where I almost let loose on the client I ended the call and nearly punched my screen.

I don’t even know what to do. I need a job, I have an insane amount of experience in call centers, training, QA, and supervisor work, but can’t get promoted and I’m just stuck being the top agent at every call center I go to and I just can’t anymore.

Sorry. Rant over. Fuck call centers

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