
Need moral support

I am working on a project with an organisation. We are at the end phase of the project and now they are saying that they don't need our services. Major delays in the project came from their side. In our daily conversations. all l heard was positive but now they are doing this. It was big contract I was able to provide them with all of their requirements and I did many things that were not part of the contract. Their requests were crazy but since I had such a good rapo with them i fulfilled all of them, now I feel taken for a fool and taken for granted. Good thing is i have a supportive workplace where they are not blaming me. I just want someone to tell me that I am not less. Couldnt eat yesterday, just wasn't feeling hungry lost all my appetite and my confidence…

I am working on a project with an organisation. We are at the end phase of the project and now they are saying that they don't need our services. Major delays in the project came from their side. In our daily conversations. all l heard was positive but now they are doing this.

It was big contract I was able to provide them with all of their requirements and I did many things that were not part of the contract. Their requests were crazy but since I had such a good rapo with them i fulfilled all of them, now I feel taken for a fool and taken for granted.

Good thing is i have a supportive workplace where they are not blaming me.

I just want someone to tell me that I am not less. Couldnt eat yesterday, just wasn't feeling hungry lost all my appetite and my confidence since I worked so hard on this

The reason I am not getting into more detail is they have the vibe that they visit this sub, that's why also liked them at start.

Thank you for reading

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