
Why are my coworkers like this?

To start, I work at an urgent care that was sold to a bigger company. Before it was sold the company wasn’t great, but there were reasons to stay. Then we were bought. I am only here because I can’t get much higher pay wise going somewhere else and they 100% work around my school schedule. I only work 3 days a week and these two reasons combine are worth it to me because my mental health and school together are rough. I need a schedule like this to graduate. In return for staying while everyone else is jumping ship my benefits not only got worse by a huge margin, but I have had to track down all of my new benefits. I had to call my new insurance to get my card info and then contacted HR for my damn commuter benefits for the train. I haven’t gotten my…

To start, I work at an urgent care that was sold to a bigger company. Before it was sold the company wasn’t great, but there were reasons to stay. Then we were bought.

I am only here because I can’t get much higher pay wise going somewhere else and they 100% work around my school schedule. I only work 3 days a week and these two reasons combine are worth it to me because my mental health and school together are rough. I need a schedule like this to graduate.

In return for staying while everyone else is jumping ship my benefits not only got worse by a huge margin, but I have had to track down all of my new benefits. I had to call my new insurance to get my card info and then contacted HR for my damn commuter benefits for the train. I haven’t gotten my dental or vision yet, but I have personally taken the time to get those yet. /s

I’m at work and the credit card machine isn’t working at the location I am working at today. This is not new, I can get it to work after messing with it, but it’s not working this time. I contacted my manager who says don’t worry about taking any payments. I have it in writing in an email.

Anyway, I have a patient who does not have insurance and I mention to the clinical staff that I can’t collect payment so per our manager she can just be billed instead of paying today. For some reason they get really weird about it. Like insisting she has to pay today. Why?

I have permission not to take anything and to knowingly see patients anyway. She owed $165 for her visit today. The company that bought us is worth $10 billion and that is a penny to them. And it’s not like we get anything extra for collecting it, so why is it so damn important. And I would be in trouble, not then, but no one is getting in trouble.

We need more people to stop worrying about the welfare of a $10 billion company when our patients need us and that company could give two shits about us.

Thank you for listening to my Ted Talk.

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