
“Everyone is replaceable”

My boss just ended our staff meeting with these words today. I realize I am in a different position than many others, in that I work a professional position that requires an advanced degree and licensing. I make an okay salary, but not enough for what I do. I’ve been working with my boss almost since she opened her business, from when we were sharing a desk and using laptops to now, when there are three locations and numerous staff. I know how to do nearly everything the business requires, from accounting to all the software we use to training staff, banking, clients, etc. I pick up the slack when others are away because I’m the only one who knows how do do everything. I have taken one week vacation in the four years I’ve worked there (and I was called or texted every single day while I was gone…

My boss just ended our staff meeting with these words today. I realize I am in a different position than many others, in that I work a professional position that requires an advanced degree and licensing. I make an okay salary, but not enough for what I do.

I’ve been working with my boss almost since she opened her business, from when we were sharing a desk and using laptops to now, when there are three locations and numerous staff. I know how to do nearly everything the business requires, from accounting to all the software we use to training staff, banking, clients, etc. I pick up the slack when others are away because I’m the only one who knows how do do everything. I have taken one week vacation in the four years I’ve worked there (and I was called or texted every single day while I was gone for work related questions). I don’t do appointments during the workday. I stay late often and have gone in on weekends.

My boss was on an angry, unprofessional rant and ended her meeting with those classic sick-boss words “everyone is replaceable”.

I can’t wait until I can find something else, hand in my resignation letter, and say, “go ahead, replace me.”

Sorry for the rant, I had to get it out somewhere.

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