
U.S. Tipping Culture

I'm curious of people's opinions about tipping culture in the U.S. these days. About a year or two ago, any time I would comment on the topic, I'd be met with outright hate for not wanting to tip any more. I'm from the 90's, where tipping was 15% at restaurants and 10% or a few bucks for delivery drivers and thats it. And on top of that, it was a bonus, for exceptional service, unlike today where tipping is now EXPECTED everywhere and starts at 20%. Honestly, I'm tired of losing more of my hard earned money to these fucks who dont want to pay their staff properly. And then I had people saying things like “well if you cant afford to tip, dont eat out”, and you know what, fuck those people too. Why am I the one being guilt tripped? I go out to eat and pay for…

I'm curious of people's opinions about tipping culture in the U.S. these days.

About a year or two ago, any time I would comment on the topic, I'd be met with outright hate for not wanting to tip any more. I'm from the 90's, where tipping was 15% at restaurants and 10% or a few bucks for delivery drivers and thats it. And on top of that, it was a bonus, for exceptional service, unlike today where tipping is now EXPECTED everywhere and starts at 20%.

Honestly, I'm tired of losing more of my hard earned money to these fucks who dont want to pay their staff properly. And then I had people saying things like “well if you cant afford to tip, dont eat out”, and you know what, fuck those people too. Why am I the one being guilt tripped? I go out to eat and pay for the FOOD. Thats all I need to afford. Why are you as the staff not fighting back yourselves too?

Where's the solidarity, hm? If restaurant staff decided to strike, I'd be with them, and wouldnt go out to restaurants until they got proper wages, and I feel many if you all here would too.

So, starting today I'm lowering my 'tip imprint', so to speak. Restaurant staff needs to follow suit and try to fix things from their end too. Let the owners lose their businesses. Without any wait staff theyd all be forced to close, be delivery only, or actually pay people properly.

As of today, I will only be tipping the following maximums (because I dont want to just drop to zero immediately, but the tipflation is fucking too much):

Delivery: 10%, $5 max

Restaurant: 10% worst, 15% best

Bartenders, etc: $1 per drink, or 10% if larger order.

I no longer feel guilt about tips. Its not our job and it never was. Give me dirty looks, say nasty things, whatever. If you're mad at me for tipping less, and eventually not tipping at all (unless I'm truly blown away by the service), you are a part of the problem.

Again for the guilt trippers in the back, YOU ARE A PART OF THE PROBLEM. If you get mad at the consumer for not tipping, you're a piece of shit. Look in the mirror and realize you're a fool and a tool being used against your fellow working class citizens.

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