
feeling hopeless and overwhelmed

this is a long read and just a rant. i just needed a place to put it. about 30 minutes ago i asked to leave for the day at my temp. job as i was feeling lightheaded, nauseous, and just overall bad. (this is just a typically production facility) i only started working at this place 2 weeks ago, but haven't been late or called in at all since ive started. i explained the situation to my lead in detail, letting them know i suffer from migraines and wished to go home and rest. i was aware i was probably pushing it as i also asked to leave work an hour early this friday to make a much-needed eye appointment. as soon as i asked to leave because i was unwell, they immediately went into how they, “look very closely at absence and productivity.” and how i was good in…

this is a long read and just a rant. i just needed a place to put it. about 30 minutes ago i asked to leave for the day at my temp. job as i was feeling lightheaded, nauseous, and just overall bad. (this is just a typically production facility) i only started working at this place 2 weeks ago, but haven't been late or called in at all since ive started. i explained the situation to my lead in detail, letting them know i suffer from migraines and wished to go home and rest. i was aware i was probably pushing it as i also asked to leave work an hour early this friday to make a much-needed eye appointment. as soon as i asked to leave because i was unwell, they immediately went into how they, “look very closely at absence and productivity.” and how i was good in the productivity aspect but to, “keep the absence part in mind.” ive been fired from many positions for absence and im aware im a good employee but i always put myself first which results in missed days. im only 19 and hope to go to college and work my way out of these types of positions, but i can't help and feel hopeless and sad. i suffer from severe OCD (professionally diagnosed, medicated and in treatment for it) as well as anxiety and depression. these issues on top of illness like my migraine, i always find myself let-go at jobs. i cant find the motivation to do as my parents did and push through. i suffer greatly financially for this and im aware that it is my fault. i feel depressed and hopeless. i dont want to keep living like this but i don't see any change whatsoever even if i do work my way up through college. every job will only ever see me as a number and i cant keep doing this for the rest of my life. i just want to cry

TLDR; cant keep a job because i put my physical and mental health first and feel hopeless

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