
“You cannot avoid life? momma can’t protect you forever?”

These famous words said by supposed self made millionaire Dave Ramsay. “So let me get this straight you live in your momma's basement but you've got a coach purse?” “Ramsay blames not the young adults but the helicopter parents”. Saying you've got a coach purse, worth maybe 200 if that, vs a custom made 10.2 million dollar house(like the one he just sold a year ago) and we're the problem or our parents are the problem? Funny thing is he lived with his parents through college, taking the real estate exams and the first year or two of working until he started a multi billion dollar business that was ultimately brought down by bankruptcy. Not to mention the scathing reports of whistleblowers I've found on various social media sites questioning his management skills. This guy blames us for not being able to afford a half a million dollar house because…

These famous words said by supposed self made millionaire Dave Ramsay. “So let me get this straight you live in your momma's basement but you've got a coach purse?” “Ramsay blames not the young adults but the helicopter parents”. Saying you've got a coach purse, worth maybe 200 if that, vs a custom made 10.2 million dollar house(like the one he just sold a year ago) and we're the problem or our parents are the problem? Funny thing is he lived with his parents through college, taking the real estate exams and the first year or two of working until he started a multi billion dollar business that was ultimately brought down by bankruptcy. Not to mention the scathing reports of whistleblowers I've found on various social media sites questioning his management skills. This guy blames us for not being able to afford a half a million dollar house because we live with mom and dad and buy us a few nice things every couple months of rigorous savings? Yea ok whatever. What do you guys think of this shit?

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