
Raise Rebuttal

I was due for a raise October 2022 and just got my raise letter today, for $2 more than what I was making. I do accounts payable/receivable, account reconciliations and customer billing for a tech company and have 10+ years experience in billing and office management. When I took this job, I was offered $21/hour when I asked for $24. I took this offer because I needed income ASAP. The rest of the staff is paid as exempt employees who don't have to clock in/out while about 6 others are hourly, myself included, are hourly and are required to use a location based time clock. I want to send a respectful rebuttle to this letter and not only ask for more pay, but to also be an exempt employee as I am the only person in admin that is hourly. What is the best way to go about it? I…

I was due for a raise October 2022 and just got my raise letter today, for $2 more than what I was making. I do accounts payable/receivable, account reconciliations and customer billing for a tech company and have 10+ years experience in billing and office management. When I took this job, I was offered $21/hour when I asked for $24. I took this offer because I needed income ASAP. The rest of the staff is paid as exempt employees who don't have to clock in/out while about 6 others are hourly, myself included, are hourly and are required to use a location based time clock.

I want to send a respectful rebuttle to this letter and not only ask for more pay, but to also be an exempt employee as I am the only person in admin that is hourly. What is the best way to go about it?

I should mention, I am one of the lowest paid employees despite controlling and managing all of the money that comes in and out of this place.

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