
Thoughts on this “I quit/am fired” email?

Not sure which yet, but the manager has basically ghosted me and not asked me to come in for over 2 months. I'm just casually drafting an email with some of the thoughts I have. May or may not ever send. Context: I'm a contractor here, employed by a separate contracting company they use to get away with stuff like this. I've been working there a year. It's normal to have slow months where you only come in maybe 5 days of the month, but not normal to get absolutely nothing for this long. “Hi Manager, It's clear at this point that I'm not valued at [job]. There has consistently been a lack of communication that made me feel my time was not respected. I find it unprofessional to not at minimum update employees when they're not needed for extensive periods of time. Even more unprofessional to say they're simply…

Not sure which yet, but the manager has basically ghosted me and not asked me to come in for over 2 months. I'm just casually drafting an email with some of the thoughts I have. May or may not ever send.

Context: I'm a contractor here, employed by a separate contracting company they use to get away with stuff like this. I've been working there a year. It's normal to have slow months where you only come in maybe 5 days of the month, but not normal to get absolutely nothing for this long.

“Hi Manager,

It's clear at this point that I'm not valued at [job]. There has consistently been a lack of communication that made me feel my time was not respected. I find it unprofessional to not at minimum update employees when they're not needed for extensive periods of time. Even more unprofessional to say they're simply not needed when in reality they are being let go, which I witnessed more than once. If I'd know in November 2022 that I was no longer going to work there, I would have spent that time searching for other work instead of thinking I had a future at [job].

Employees should feel safe asking their manager about hours. Instead, I and others in my position felt nervous bringing up the subject. Personally, I also never felt safe enough to tell you or anyone else in a management position that I'm autistic. When I disclosed it to a coworker, they actually advised me to not tell anyone in management, believing I wouldn't be treated fairly. [Not sure if I want to mention this but it does bring up an important point, no work environment should feel oppressive enough that you don't feel safe asking for accommodations]

Please start treating your employees like human beings. I know a number of people have an issue with this treatment, I am just the one choosing to speak up about it. There is so much good at [job], but there is also so much that makes the lower status employees feel unwelcome.

I learned a lot here and am grateful for that. I hope [job] continues to make [things] I love.


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