
What are the cons of unionizing?

I’ve seen and heard about “union busting” practices in the US, which obviously benefits the employer, but I’ve never really understood what the downsides are for an employee. What are the biggest arguments? Coming from an EU country where unions are just a natural part of business, employment and society, I fail to see why people would forego the benefits with the small exception of the cost which is higher in the US I believe (I pay $12/mo). Perhaps also “free market” thinkers/republicans, but aren’t they often NOT in the low/mid income jobs where unions are most relevant?

I’ve seen and heard about “union busting” practices in the US, which obviously benefits the employer, but I’ve never really understood what the downsides are for an employee. What are the biggest arguments?

Coming from an EU country where unions are just a natural part of business, employment and society, I fail to see why people would forego the benefits with the small exception of the cost which is higher in the US I believe (I pay $12/mo). Perhaps also “free market” thinkers/republicans, but aren’t they often NOT in the low/mid income jobs where unions are most relevant?

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