
Told off my boss today

I had a horrible morning today. My boss is a complete asshole. Today we had extreme cold temperatures of -45C, my car would not start. It was the first time I was ever late. I was late by 40 min because I ended up having to call a cab getting to work (wasting money getting to work). I come in all in a pissed off mood and freezing from being outside trying to start my car. First thing that guy tells me “You are late! But because you think its cold outside you can just come in anytime and be 40 min late.” I told him “my car would not start and it was freezing outside” he snaps at me and says “car not starting is not an excuse for being late! We have standards here! And you just ruin them!” I do not know what happened but I just…

I had a horrible morning today. My boss is a complete asshole.

Today we had extreme cold temperatures of -45C, my car would not start. It was the first time I was ever late. I was late by 40 min because I ended up having to call a cab getting to work (wasting money getting to work). I come in all in a pissed off mood and freezing from being outside trying to start my car.

First thing that guy tells me “You are late! But because you think its cold outside you can just come in anytime and be 40 min late.” I told him “my car would not start and it was freezing outside” he snaps at me and says “car not starting is not an excuse for being late! We have standards here! And you just ruin them!”

I do not know what happened but I just lost my shit. No violence (I am not a violent person), it was all verbal. But I slammed the desk really hard everyone stopped and looked and I said “look here and listen good” he cuts me off saying im talking back and I just slam the desk hard again and I say “shut up, I am talking NOW!!” You wanna prance around and show off that power you have with your nonsense of how I do not work go ahead, but honestly your just a failure as a human life form, you think you can just say what ever the hell you want to people because you feel like it! HUH?!, my car would not fin start you dumbass! But no we all have to pray to our lord and saviour to see if he approved, WAKE UP AND LOOK OUTSIDE YOU DIMWIT! HOW THE HELL DID YOU PASS SCHOOL IF YOU CANNOT EVEN SEE THE ISSUE OUTSIDE! You wanna fire me (I actually starting laughing with rage at this point) GO AHEAD ITS GONNA BE A BALL DANCE!!! Oh look at me im such a big man!, GET THE HELL OUT OF MY FACE”

This asshole says “your crazy” and storms out right away

My upper management calms me down and tells me its alright were all stressed out, he did not reprimand me and just said its alright dont worry about it.

Im honestly just sitting here grinding my teeth clenching my fist filled with rage.

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