
What is it with all the hate for people who make over 100k/year?

I’ve been lurking/ocassionally commenting in this sub for a while now. I have seen many of you who are so quick to jump on the hate and blame wagon as soon as someone mentions they make over 100k a year. In a way I get it, I came from nothing at all and to know someone is making 100k and you are struggling to survive with 40k sucks, I get it. But there is one big fact some of you fail to understand in this whole “antiwork” fight. Even if I make 200k a year, we are still in the same class, the working class. You’re either born an elite or you’re f***ed is the bottom line. How about you all point those negative feelings towards the actual problem? Stop hating on your brothers and sisters and start eating the actually rich who built your cage.

I’ve been lurking/ocassionally commenting in this sub for a while now. I have seen many of you who are so quick to jump on the hate and blame wagon as soon as someone mentions they make over 100k a year.

In a way I get it, I came from nothing at all and to know someone is making 100k and you are struggling to survive with 40k sucks, I get it. But there is one big fact some of you fail to understand in this whole “antiwork” fight. Even if I make 200k a year, we are still in the same class, the working class.

You’re either born an elite or you’re f***ed is the bottom line. How about you all point those negative feelings towards the actual problem? Stop hating on your brothers and sisters and start eating the actually rich who built your cage.

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