
Stupid job interview and my experience

It was interesting but at the same time stupid because I had a job interview on Friday and it was for the position of a storekeeper in a company, but then finally the manager told me that I wouldn't work at this place but that my place of work is in the city but elsewhere so I don't know who works there. How workplace looks like I haven't even come into contact with my possible future colleagues in that job this is completely stupid I'm not going to start working somewhere where I don't know what kind of people are there I just care what the environment looks like I've already started a job once where I didn't know how does it look and what kind of people are there and it turned out that in a few days I resigned because those people were horrible, nasty, bad, terrible, it…

It was interesting but at the same time stupid because I had a job interview on Friday and it was for the position of a storekeeper in a company, but then finally the manager told me that I wouldn't work at this place but that my place of work is in the city but elsewhere so I don't know who works there. How workplace looks like I haven't even come into contact with my possible future colleagues in that job this is completely stupid I'm not going to start working somewhere where I don't know what kind of people are there I just care what the environment looks like I've already started a job once where I didn't know how does it look and what kind of people are there and it turned out that in a few days I resigned because those people were horrible, nasty, bad, terrible, it was impossible to work with them, what do some people think that a person will start new job without seeing how his workplace looks like and what kind of people are there?

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