
A depressing way to get ahead

A few years ago I suffered a couple of back to back events that were financially catastrophic, one medical which resulted in bills and loss of employment (there's a whole antiwork post by itself) and shortly after a divorce. Combined they wiped me out and I found myself in my 50's physically recovered but literally starting from scratch. I found an actual unicorn of a job where pay is enough to keep me fed, housed, and able to put in some savings… But not anywhere near enough to rebuild a retirement in the time I have left. The result has been living with some persistent ongoing hopelessness and depression about the future. Yet I persevere. Then last Friday I find out that I'm heir to a chunk of property I didn't even know my parents own, once my Mom (80's) passes. Also I was informed that with his wife passing…

A few years ago I suffered a couple of back to back events that were financially catastrophic, one medical which resulted in bills and loss of employment (there's a whole antiwork post by itself) and shortly after a divorce. Combined they wiped me out and I found myself in my 50's physically recovered but literally starting from scratch.

I found an actual unicorn of a job where pay is enough to keep me fed, housed, and able to put in some savings… But not anywhere near enough to rebuild a retirement in the time I have left. The result has been living with some persistent ongoing hopelessness and depression about the future. Yet I persevere.

Then last Friday I find out that I'm heir to a chunk of property I didn't even know my parents own, once my Mom (80's) passes. Also I was informed that with his wife passing I am sole heir to a great Uncle (90's) rather sizable finances and estate.

I'm so whiplashed. Part of me is overjoyed that I'm actually going to have a decent retirement (I just have to make it from here to there) but at the same time I truly love these people and it feels almost unbearably ghoulish to be thinking about.

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