
I just became privy to information that we likely wont get a bonus this year due to what happened at the end of the year.

I work for a company that does COBRA administration, They also do HR stuff as well. Last year, our team was hemorrhaging people. People leaving and getting promoted. Went from over 25 to 7. They didn't replace anyone, so our average time to answer calls skyrocketed. As a result, most teams did not meet goals so we likely won't be getting a bonus. We went from 30 seconds to 10 minutes sometimes when it gets heavy. They said in November that they would hire more people, it took them until January to post ads and they were only up a week and then nothing. It wouldn't surprise me if they didn't intend to hire People. The pace sped up significantly, calls are back to back from 8 to 5

I work for a company that does COBRA administration, They also do HR stuff as well. Last year, our team was hemorrhaging people. People leaving and getting promoted. Went from over 25 to 7. They didn't replace anyone, so our average time to answer calls skyrocketed. As a result, most teams did not meet goals so we likely won't be getting a bonus. We went from 30 seconds to 10 minutes sometimes when it gets heavy. They said in November that they would hire more people, it took them until January to post ads and they were only up a week and then nothing. It wouldn't surprise me if they didn't intend to hire People. The pace sped up significantly, calls are back to back from 8 to 5

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