
Breaking rules at work out of spite

So I work somewhere that micromanages the fuck out of it's staff. Here are a few examples… We're required to be active on our site at EXACTLY at the start of our shift. I start at 5pm. I've gotten messages from my supervisor asking why I wasn't online at 5:03p We're required to be online taking calls until the end of our shift. Meaning, we're frequently forced to work OT Breaks are strictly monitored. I've gotten a “why aren't you back” message 5 mins after my break was over. Also I've gotten a “why aren't you on chat” 10 mins after I ended one We have to record our breaks in a chat on teams. We are required to take them at specific times but because we're required to always be online, they are frequently missed. We got an email saying that it was unacceptable to take our breaks so…

So I work somewhere that micromanages the fuck out of it's staff. Here are a few examples…

  1. We're required to be active on our site at EXACTLY at the start of our shift. I start at 5pm. I've gotten messages from my supervisor asking why I wasn't online at 5:03p
  2. We're required to be online taking calls until the end of our shift. Meaning, we're frequently forced to work OT
  3. Breaks are strictly monitored. I've gotten a “why aren't you back” message 5 mins after my break was over.
  4. Also I've gotten a “why aren't you on chat” 10 mins after I ended one
  5. We have to record our breaks in a chat on teams. We are required to take them at specific times but because we're required to always be online, they are frequently missed. We got an email saying that it was unacceptable to take our breaks so late but what do you want us to do?
  6. We also get blanket emails taking away “privileges'” all the time

Soooo I never post in the break chat and have gotten called out for it. I usually just say “my bad” and continue on. If I got to 5:03 and am not signed on, I don't sweat it at all. If they say something it's another “my bad” from me. I take my breaks as late as possible too.

Will I get fired? Maybe. Am I looking for a new job? Yes. Has there been a fuckload of turnover? Also yes. I wonder why

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