
Company changed my job duties, not physically fit to do it.

Bear with me, I'm on mobile. I'm a local truck driver. I have lower back problems but I'm able to do some of the duties required of a trucker. I got hired for this position in September of 2022, and they were well aware of my physical disabilities (slipping a disc in my back) of being unable to get in and out of the truck a million times a day. They said, “No problem, we have the perfect position!” So they put me in a position that involved mostly sitting with light manual labor – it was perfect for me. I did maybe 3 loads a night, and everything I did was live loads/unloads and only getting out if I needed to close my trailer doors or open them. Last week, the company my company is contracted through, changed my job completely. I'm now to do a bunch of dropping…

Bear with me, I'm on mobile.

I'm a local truck driver. I have lower back problems but I'm able to do some of the duties required of a trucker. I got hired for this position in September of 2022, and they were well aware of my physical disabilities (slipping a disc in my back) of being unable to get in and out of the truck a million times a day. They said, “No problem, we have the perfect position!” So they put me in a position that involved mostly sitting with light manual labor – it was perfect for me. I did maybe 3 loads a night, and everything I did was live loads/unloads and only getting out if I needed to close my trailer doors or open them.

Last week, the company my company is contracted through, changed my job completely. I'm now to do a bunch of dropping and hooking up to trailers, which is infinitely harder on my back. There was no grace period, it was literally an overnight change. I started this Thursday, and Friday I was in such bad shape with my back, I couldn't even come to work.

My immediate supervisor is trying his best to fight this, as is his supervisor. But I'm stuck. I need the money, so my immediate supervisor and my husband (he works with me, but a different department and delivers at the same customer I do) are doing what they can to help me with the manual labor aspect. But I'm at a loss where I'm basically being pushed out of my position, without any way of moving to another position or just finding a new job.

I just wanted to vent. I'm frustrated, because now I have to find another job, or suck it up and possibly deteriorate my back even further. I think I'll call some lawyers in the AM and see what my options are.

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