
Update to Disciplinary Write-Up

Original post here: So, this manager I had an issue with works in our production facility about 20 mins away from the warehouse where I work. I'd left for work an hour early on Thursday to drop this write-up form I'd created on his desk before I drove back to the warehouse to start my day. I got an email this morning from this manager asking “who the fuck I think I am”. After taking a screenshot of the email and printing it out in case they tried some IT “strategery” I responded. “Who do I think I am? Someone who, believe it or not, despite not having the all important 3 letter abbreviation after my last name, is valued. Did you ever stop to look at who you were trying to pin your fuck up and lack of knowledge on? Did it strike you as odd or give…

Original post here:

So, this manager I had an issue with works in our production facility about 20 mins away from the warehouse where I work. I'd left for work an hour early on Thursday to drop this write-up form I'd created on his desk before I drove back to the warehouse to start my day. I got an email this morning from this manager asking “who the fuck I think I am”. After taking a screenshot of the email and printing it out in case they tried some IT “strategery” I responded. “Who do I think I am? Someone who, believe it or not, despite not having the all important 3 letter abbreviation after my last name, is valued. Did you ever stop to look at who you were trying to pin your fuck up and lack of knowledge on? Did it strike you as odd or give you pause that someone who has worked for this company for 7 years had not even a tardy in their personnel file? Let alone a disciplinary report? Did it occur to you that perhaps that's not because they're lucky, but because they have such crippling anxiety that everything they do, they double, triple, quadruple, and sometimes even quintuple check? Just to make sure everything is correct? I bet it didn't. I own my mistakes sir, which, as far as I can tell, is more than you can say for yourself. I am not a scapegoat, I am not someone who is going to roll over and accept accusations and punishment because someone in authority has decided to pick on me. If this “attitude” gets me fired, so be it. But before you make any rash decisions, know that I'm the only person in the warehouse that manages the inventory, or even wants to attempt it. The employee that I took over for had it for 3 days when she came back from maternity leave…she promptly handed it back to me shaking her head, saying she didn't understand how I was able to keep this absolute monstrosity of an Excel spreadsheet straight, as it had tripled in size since she'd seen it 6 months earlier. No one wants this job. If you do find someone who does, I can almost guarantee they won't give the same dedication or work ethic.”

I have an HR meeting tomorrow morning.

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