
I got a job after 3 months from a temp agency and they sent me back after 2 days.`

So, as the title suggests, I got this job. I wasn't thrilled about it but I was optimistic. I was gonna do sanding for a cabinet door maker. well, the level of perfection they required is pretty freaking unreasonable. It's like….I know it might just want to be perfect but having one corner sanded what looked like a half a mm off just barely noticeably in the light is just stupid! I don't know if lasers can sand wood, but they should replace people with lasers and computers if they want it so exact. Some of it I kind of understood. Maybe I could had gone slower, but sending me back after two days? Either their expectations are way too high or I sucked way more then they were letting me know about and they let me know about quite a bit. Sad thing is that I thought today went…

So, as the title suggests, I got this job. I wasn't thrilled about it but I was optimistic. I was gonna do sanding for a cabinet door maker. well, the level of perfection they required is pretty freaking unreasonable. It's like….I know it might just want to be perfect but having one corner sanded what looked like a half a mm off just barely noticeably in the light is just stupid! I don't know if lasers can sand wood, but they should replace people with lasers and computers if they want it so exact. Some of it I kind of understood. Maybe I could had gone slower, but sending me back after two days? Either their expectations are way too high or I sucked way more then they were letting me know about and they let me know about quite a bit.

Sad thing is that I thought today went better. I thought I improved a tiny bit but I guess not and now back to searching for work again.

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