
Is there something wrong with me? It seems I always get horrible toxic bosses.

I can’t tell if this is a me thing or a system thing. I’ll be so diligent in interviews asking about work culture and whatnot. And then i start working there. These bosses are entirely not self aware. I confirm with others if I am the one in the wrong and am told by many people (including HR, administration, coworkers, friends, family) that my boss is the one who’s crazy. Is this just how society is? All bosses entirely suck and I have to deal with this until I retire or die? Do I need to ask better interviewing questions? This is so depressing for me.

I can’t tell if this is a me thing or a system thing. I’ll be so diligent in interviews asking about work culture and whatnot.

And then i start working there. These bosses are entirely not self aware. I confirm with others if I am the one in the wrong and am told by many people (including HR, administration, coworkers, friends, family) that my boss is the one who’s crazy.

Is this just how society is? All bosses entirely suck and I have to deal with this until I retire or die? Do I need to ask better interviewing questions? This is so depressing for me.

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