
Employers WHY?!

Why cant companies literally run to reddit and see our firsthand thoughts/experiences and HELP US fix the issues to make them more money and bring us more happiness to then KEEP them from losing money? I just don't get it. I look at it as this: If I help my employees through tough times like pregnancy, bodily injury/sickness, then they would come back appreciating that and give loyalty in return. These guys just cut and replace us instead which costs them more in the long run bc of multiple hire/fires, more uniforms ordered, time wasted training people, etc.

Why cant companies literally run to reddit and see our firsthand thoughts/experiences and HELP US fix the issues to make them more money and bring us more happiness to then KEEP them from losing money? I just don't get it.
I look at it as this:
If I help my employees through tough times like pregnancy, bodily injury/sickness, then they would come back appreciating that and give loyalty in return.
These guys just cut and replace us instead which costs them more in the long run bc of multiple hire/fires, more uniforms ordered, time wasted training people, etc.

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