
Wanted to ask if this is common place?

So I have been working at Wingstop for half a year now, and, they only give their employees one shirt, and they require us to only wear that shirt for work. Like, we work in a food place. Like we sweat all shift, get food and sauce and seasoning and oil, cleaners, etc, on us while we work. And it’s honestly just not realistic to always have a clean shirt to wear to work,especially since I work two jobs and I’ll have days where I close at Wingstop, open the next day at my other job, and then afterwards go close at Wingstop. I have had some other food jobs before, but they gave us multiple shirts or just gave us a dress code like shirt has to be all black. But I wanted to see if this is common in the food industry or even accepted. Because ya like…

So I have been working at Wingstop for half a year now, and, they only give their employees one shirt, and they require us to only wear that shirt for work. Like, we work in a food place. Like we sweat all shift, get food and sauce and seasoning and oil, cleaners, etc, on us while we work. And it’s honestly just not realistic to always have a clean shirt to wear to work,especially since I work two jobs and I’ll have days where I close at Wingstop, open the next day at my other job, and then afterwards go close at Wingstop. I have had some other food jobs before, but they gave us multiple shirts or just gave us a dress code like shirt has to be all black. But I wanted to see if this is common in the food industry or even accepted. Because ya like I said we work with food, I would think it would be against some rules for an employee to be wearing dirty laundry. I just don’t get how the food related workplace can have so many rules regarding cleanliness and sanitizer job but then the employees will be wearing shirts that have not been washed in a few days or so. Anybody else ever dealt with this?

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