
Boss skewed towards the opposite sex??

I work at a retail store that is predominantly occupied by men both as employees and as consumers. Despite this, all of management is mainly woman in terms of demographics. Our store manager (SM), Assistant manager (AM), and all of department leads are all woman, with no one in upper management being men or otherwise, and our leads being almost half men, but still under half. Despite all of this, SM opinion on everyone is very off balance. We have one lead who's department is in shambles, and she continuously defends him, even when customer loss is apparent be a use of his actions. We had two employees that were dating and weren't working because of it (he was supposed to be in Dept A while she was supposed to be in Dept B across the store. Both hang out in Dept C and just chat for 47 minutes one…

I work at a retail store that is predominantly occupied by men both as employees and as consumers. Despite this, all of management is mainly woman in terms of demographics. Our store manager (SM), Assistant manager (AM), and all of department leads are all woman, with no one in upper management being men or otherwise, and our leads being almost half men, but still under half.

Despite all of this, SM opinion on everyone is very off balance. We have one lead who's department is in shambles, and she continuously defends him, even when customer loss is apparent be a use of his actions. We had two employees that were dating and weren't working because of it (he was supposed to be in Dept A while she was supposed to be in Dept B across the store. Both hang out in Dept C and just chat for 47 minutes one time.) But the girl got a LOT of really bad flack for it, while the guy was really brutally defended, SM even going to the length of accusing his lead of targeting him (His lead was a woman, super nice chick, but usually on Management's side, which was very weird for her to be being accused).

We had a girl who was essentially fired by SM because of her scheduling needs to care for her stepson, while the man in the same department was met with praise of trying to care for a grandparent when his scheduling conflicted. It was all very strange.

We have a guy and a girl who both have eerily similar abusive backgrounds (yet they're unrelated, and very good workers despite what's happened to them) but the girl is constantly hounded and written up bfor mistakes, while the guy calls out often due to his background and SM refuses to fire him even when he far exceeded our usually tardiness threshold for firing by double.

Even little things- when a man gets employee of the month, she gives a lot of fanfare, while saying absolutely nothing when it's a woman, during potlucks I cook a ton and at a high level because I wanted to become a chef for some years, meanwhile a man at work who cooks similarly is touted as the “store's chef” by her, while most of the employees compliment the both of us on our hard work in food.

It's all just a very weird situation that I've come to notice.

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