
begging for moments

Working at a busy restaurant is begging for moments; begging coworkers to not slow down per se, but to just take the half a breath to not panic, not make mistakes, and have fun at work. The sacrifice fetish of some of these puritan WASPs makes me crazy. I understand the need for speed; the need to sacrifice quality for speed to a certain extent. But I'm not looking to sacrifice quality of life or peace of mind just to feed some hungry human who thinks all they need for respect is money. The plan is to work hard; not leave without at least two weeks notice; not leave at least until I have another job lined up. Just sucks it could be such a fun job I'd want to keep for much longer if only my coworkers weren't sick with people pleasing to the point they think speed justifies…

Working at a busy restaurant is begging for moments; begging coworkers to not slow down per se, but to just take the half a breath to not panic, not make mistakes, and have fun at work. The sacrifice fetish of some of these puritan WASPs makes me crazy. I understand the need for speed; the need to sacrifice quality for speed to a certain extent. But I'm not looking to sacrifice quality of life or peace of mind just to feed some hungry human who thinks all they need for respect is money. The plan is to work hard; not leave without at least two weeks notice; not leave at least until I have another job lined up. Just sucks it could be such a fun job I'd want to keep for much longer if only my coworkers weren't sick with people pleasing to the point they think speed justifies anger and frustration. I hope people appreciate my good attitude there. The personal cost to be pleasant and kind while working a mile a minute is not always given without resentment. Is that all grown up life is? Picking the least soul sucking work when all of it will definitely be at least a bit soul sucking?

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