
made my manager cry

I go on lunch w my coworker when there is no management on certain days. We are only allowed “2 people at once” which makes it hard if everyone gets hungry around the same time. When we have no management on those days, we have a lot of employees working so no one is ever just by themselves. Anyway, we did have management today, but no one was out for lunch so I bit the bullet and asked if my coworker and I could go to lunch together since we had a LOT to do and it’s better if we are both finished eating at the same time. My manager says “well I’ll go too!” meaning 3 people would be out for lunch, and would leave only 1 person running the store. It’s a Saturday and we were doing a huge sale so we needed at least 2 people to…

I go on lunch w my coworker when there is no management on certain days. We are only allowed “2 people at once” which makes it hard if everyone gets hungry around the same time. When we have no management on those days, we have a lot of employees working so no one is ever just by themselves.

Anyway, we did have management today, but no one was out for lunch so I bit the bullet and asked if my coworker and I could go to lunch together since we had a LOT to do and it’s better if we are both finished eating at the same time. My manager says “well I’ll go too!” meaning 3 people would be out for lunch, and would leave only 1 person running the store. It’s a Saturday and we were doing a huge sale so we needed at least 2 people to manage shit. Anyway, I say “but it’s only 2 people at once? we can grab something for you”. Keep in mind we work at an animal shelter, my manager sits on her ass all day, but my coworker and I are constantly running around unless we are on lunch. My manager says “well I want to go” and started grabbing her things. I stopped her and said “fine. take my lunch. i’ll sit here and you guys can get me something” this 30 year old woman runs out of the shelter CRYING because “everyone is just so mean to me”???

What did I do wrong? I was abiding by her rules that she set, but I guess I’m the asshole for refusing to leave my coworker alone to run the shelter during a huge adoption sale?

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