
Direct action

We should all start entering our supervisor/ managers office and just throw up all over the place, in addition, job interviews as well. Escalation involves shitting one’s pants and reaching in and flinging the shit into the interviewers face. Piss all over desks, carpets,all the while laughing hysterically . Imagine thousands of workers just fucking it all up. No one left to clean it all up. Live News broadcasts interrupted by the smiley anchor’s face suddenly plastered with shit. Bring the heads of capital to be flung screaming off of skyscrapers into large industrial garbage chippers waiting below. Jam ingots of iron pyrite into the eyes of the rich and crucify them on the masts of super yachts .

We should all start entering our supervisor/ managers office and just throw up all over the place, in addition, job interviews as well. Escalation involves shitting one’s pants and reaching in and flinging the shit into the interviewers face. Piss all over desks, carpets,all the while laughing hysterically . Imagine thousands of workers just fucking it all up. No one left to clean it all up. Live News broadcasts interrupted by the smiley anchor’s face suddenly plastered with shit. Bring the heads of capital to be flung screaming off of skyscrapers into large industrial garbage chippers waiting below. Jam ingots of iron pyrite into the eyes of the rich and crucify them on the masts of super yachts .

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