
Dude why do jobs expect so much from people who physically cant

I work in a store and suffer from asthma. i get winded easily and sometimes vomit from over working myself just so i feel like im not slacking. i dont like being seen as dead weight but holy shit do companies not care. i told my manager when i was hired that i get winded easily and it sometimes gets so bad i vomit blood and at first they respected that but now im expected to carry super heavy totes of merchandise and to go back and fourth from the back of the store to the front cuz they dont want us “standing in one place for too long” i have 2 managers, one was a former worker in a store and is the most respectfully and caring to the others while the other is in his 60s and prolly last worked as a shelf stocker before microwaves existed. take…

I work in a store and suffer from asthma. i get winded easily and sometimes vomit from over working myself just so i feel like im not slacking. i dont like being seen as dead weight but holy shit do companies not care. i told my manager when i was hired that i get winded easily and it sometimes gets so bad i vomit blood and at first they respected that but now im expected to carry super heavy totes of merchandise and to go back and fourth from the back of the store to the front cuz they dont want us “standing in one place for too long” i have 2 managers, one was a former worker in a store and is the most respectfully and caring to the others while the other is in his 60s and prolly last worked as a shelf stocker before microwaves existed. take a fat guess which one is respectful of physical disabilities of employees. i like working as it gives me purpose and lets me leave my home but we cant just tell people with physically barriers to work to just go fuck themselves.

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