
30 weeks pregnant. I quit my serving job today.

I turned in my server’s apron this morning. It was getting to be too much. I’m 30 weeks pregnant now and for the last two months I’ve had to endure almost all of my coworkers and one manager making comments about my pregnancy or how fast I’m going and they’ve complained to my managers, saying “I don’t feel comfortable working with her because she’s pregnant and she’s got health problems and it makes me nervous to be around her.” Or the comments made directly to my face like “I can’t depend on you to go get the biscuits fast enough for me and I can run circles around you,” and other servers taking my tables because ”You didn’t get to them quick enough,” and the managers cutting my hours and only giving me two tables in my section. I have had my hours cut from five days a week, 6-7…

I turned in my server’s apron this morning. It was getting to be too much. I’m 30 weeks pregnant now and for the last two months I’ve had to endure almost all of my coworkers and one manager making comments about my pregnancy or how fast I’m going and they’ve complained to my managers, saying “I don’t feel comfortable working with her because she’s pregnant and she’s got health problems and it makes me nervous to be around her.” Or the comments made directly to my face like “I can’t depend on you to go get the biscuits fast enough for me and I can run circles around you,” and other servers taking my tables because ”You didn’t get to them quick enough,” and the managers cutting my hours and only giving me two tables in my section. I have had my hours cut from five days a week, 6-7 hours per shift, down to two days per week and 4-5 hours per shift. I’ve been pulled into meetings with the manager because other employees have complained that I’m not quick enough or that I take too many bathroom breaks and that I’m in too much of a hurry to leave after my cutoff time and that they expect me to still help them take out food and greet tables and take drink orders if they’re busy after my cutoff time (which is 2:00pm on weekdays and I’m in a hurry to leave after my cutoff time because I have to go pick up my kids from school so I do my side work and roll my silverware and go as fast as I can so I’m not late picking my kids up) and that I don’t make their work easier while I am doing my side work and silverware because I have no tables and am technically done for the day. Even one of the managers (not the general manager) said “Isn’t it about time for you to sit your butt down somewhere?”

So I quit. I turned in my apron and server card (your server card is what logs you in to the computer to put orders in the POS system if you’re unfamiliar with restaurant work) today and my GM gave me a hug and asked me to reconsider. She said she could move me to retail as a cashier or place me as a to-go server and that I don’t have to be on the dining room floor with the others. She said she knew that what they had been saying to me and about me was really bothering me. She wants me to take a couple of days to rest and then decide. I’m honestly so discouraged and feel like I can’t trust or rely on anyone at all at this job and I don’t know if moving to another department will make any difference. My parents think I should at least try another position and decide after a couple of weeks. I don’t know what to do or think at this point. I have a government job waiting for me when I have the baby and heal up from my c-section. I spoke to the personnel manager and she confirmed that she’s holding a position open for me and is more than willing to wait until the baby is here and I’m cleared to work again.

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