
How do I put my foot down about supporting an additional role at work?

A bit of context, I’ve been supporting a vacant role at work since the end of November 2022 (!!!). They have finally filled this role as of early last week and unfortunately I was not the successful candidate (of course lol). I have communicated that my last day I can feasibly support this role on top of my own (very demanding) workload is March 15, which I think is fair and reasonable. However, they are having issues training the successful candidate for the role due to how busy their role is as well as the trainer’s schedule. How do I nicely reiterate that I will not be supporting this role after March 15? Please reassure me also that this is reasonable? I’ve been doing 2 jobs since November and I am exhausted. And now that I didn’t get the promotion, I need to move on and resume my own duties…

A bit of context, I’ve been supporting a vacant role at work since the end of November 2022 (!!!). They have finally filled this role as of early last week and unfortunately I was not the successful candidate (of course lol). I have communicated that my last day I can feasibly support this role on top of my own (very demanding) workload is March 15, which I think is fair and reasonable. However, they are having issues training the successful candidate for the role due to how busy their role is as well as the trainer’s schedule.

How do I nicely reiterate that I will not be supporting this role after March 15? Please reassure me also that this is reasonable? I’ve been doing 2 jobs since November and I am exhausted. And now that I didn’t get the promotion, I need to move on and resume my own duties which are starting to suffer as a result of being spread too thin. I’m also 22 weeks pregnant which I have disclosed to my employer as of last week, so my energy is very limited and will only decrease as I head into the third trimester. Advice appreciated!

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