
My job told us we have 2 weeks to transfer or be terminated.

I've been working for a startup company for about a year and a half. When I first started, it was VERY bare-bones operation. My manager worked on his computer under a tent and myself and 4 other employees worked in a half dirt half asphalt lot. Time passed, I was promoted and doing well in my position. I enjoyed my job. It sucked that we were constantly making big changes, often with little to no notice, but it's a start-up, so I didn't think much of it. My problems really started around this past December. The company raised the prices and, as a result, the quantity of orders took a steep dive. Long story short, hours were cut for Christmas and the company announced that they would not be paying out PTO for the rest of the quarter either. I got 12 hours in all of December combined. Ok that's…

I've been working for a startup company for about a year and a half. When I first started, it was VERY bare-bones operation. My manager worked on his computer under a tent and myself and 4 other employees worked in a half dirt half asphalt lot. Time passed, I was promoted and doing well in my position. I enjoyed my job. It sucked that we were constantly making big changes, often with little to no notice, but it's a start-up, so I didn't think much of it.

My problems really started around this past December. The company raised the prices and, as a result, the quantity of orders took a steep dive. Long story short, hours were cut for Christmas and the company announced that they would not be paying out PTO for the rest of the quarter either. I got 12 hours in all of December combined.

Ok that's fine whatever. I still “liked” my job because I felt like we were growing together and I was getting large raises consistently. My manager ended up getting me and 1 other employee their PTO paid out so at least i had 12 hours plus a paid vacation. I liked what I did as well so I felt no reason to leave. Hours went back to normal.

Until now (or rather end of last week). I was back on vacation when I check my work email and see an email and docusign. Everyone would be transferring to another building in a city about 45 minutes away effective in two weeks. They said they understood if we can't make it out there but that we would be terminated should we opt out of transferring. This docusign needs to be signed by YESTERDAY. I panic skim it and sign. Upon reading it more carefully the email said the incorrect date and the docusign actually didn't need to be signed until next Friday. 🤦‍️

After talking with my partner I realized that “No I actually can't transfer because we have one car between us and the extra hour and a half to drop me off in morning would have her miss her 1st class of the day. One of my other coworkers who had not yet signed asked if unemployment would cover the employees who would be terminated. They said it would not.

At this point I'm over it. And I'm kinda trying to figure out what to do. I was supposed to be leaving the country at the end of my lease (middle of June) so I'm just trying to make it for the 3 or so months until then. I'm applying for jobs like crazy but you know how that is. It's probably going to take some time. I'm not sure if I'm eligible for unemployment because on one hand I signed that document and maybe they would say that I quit rather than being terminated but on the other hand I'm not really sure if that's how it works. Is that something for the company to say? Or is it the government? Would the government “know” why I was fired and recognize that as a situation out of my control or like a layoff?

Im not sure what questions to ask or who but mostly I guess I just wanted to complain. I think I'm lucky compared to some of my coworkers who literally have no other options rn. Or even the ppl who got no hours for Christmas AND no PTO.
Any advice would be super helpful

TL;DR Company announced that we would be transferring buildings effective in two weeks and that we would be terminated if we opted out. We will not be eligible for unemployment

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