
Agency refusing to pay me

I’m in this weird situation where I signed up to be a contractor through my LLC. There is a middleman involved that takes a cut, and then the company itself that needed the contractor. I left within a few days because it was a sweatshop and I saw people being treated terribly. I submitted my hours on Day 5 and told them I’m resigning. This week I found out that I will not be getting paid for my hours. Why? Because in the contract I signed it said “middleman will not remit payment that is not approved by company”. Since the mofos at the company arent approving it, theyre not going to remit payment. Another concerning factor is a clause (they havent pulled this up yet), that says if I dont give 10 days notice I have to pay middleman 10 days worth of wages to make up for damages.…

I’m in this weird situation where I signed up to be a contractor through my LLC.

There is a middleman involved that takes a cut, and then the company itself that needed the contractor.

I left within a few days because it was a sweatshop and I saw people being treated terribly.

I submitted my hours on Day 5 and told them I’m resigning. This week I found out that I will not be getting paid for my hours. Why? Because in the contract I signed it said “middleman will not remit payment that is not approved by company”. Since the mofos at the company arent approving it, theyre not going to remit payment.

Another concerning factor is a clause (they havent pulled this up yet), that says if I dont give 10 days notice I have to pay middleman 10 days worth of wages to make up for damages.

What do I do? I feel helpless and taken advantage of. I just want my money. On the other hand I could risk losing 10 days of wages for a few days of wages. Stupid of me to not go through the contract before signing but if I raised any issue with clauses I would have lost the contract.

I’m in the United States

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