
Leaving before your notice date…

Hi everyone, long time listener first time caller etc etc. To outline my saga: after getting “quiet fired” as a college instructor by my department, I decided to do something more…real for a while and became a city bus driver. Pay was the best I’ve ever had (deeply sad), it’s fun to drive a bus, strong union, all good stuff. However, if any of you take public transit, you’ll know that conditions have deteriorated and continue to do so, staffing is low, management is non-existent in any good ways, just a shitshow. Things came to a head recently when, due to seniority rules, it looked like I was going to be forcibly transferred to a much farther away garage with objectively more dangerous work. That ended up not happening, but at the cost of months of absolutely awful work as well as “weekends” being Monday and Thursday. Just couldn’t do…

Hi everyone, long time listener first time caller etc etc.

To outline my saga: after getting “quiet fired” as a college instructor by my department, I decided to do something more…real for a while and became a city bus driver. Pay was the best I’ve ever had (deeply sad), it’s fun to drive a bus, strong union, all good stuff. However, if any of you take public transit, you’ll know that conditions have deteriorated and continue to do so, staffing is low, management is non-existent in any good ways, just a shitshow. Things came to a head recently when, due to seniority rules, it looked like I was going to be forcibly transferred to a much farther away garage with objectively more dangerous work. That ended up not happening, but at the cost of months of absolutely awful work as well as “weekends” being Monday and Thursday.

Just couldn’t do it, barely saw my partner I live with as it is, decided I’d just be irresponsible for once and leave without something else set up. I gave about a month’s notice. Now I’m about 7 work days out from my notice date and I just…have reached the end of my rope. How bad do we think it is if I were to go in and just say “sorry this is my last shift actually?”

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