
Background Check Questions.

Due to the pandemic I've had a very rough couple of years job wise. I ended up essentially losing the best paying job I've ever had from the pandemic disrupting things. In the past 2 years I've taken various odd jobs mostly outside my field with 1 part-time job in my field which also didn't pan out. I ended up finding a good looking job in another city and decided to apply basically covering up 2 years of work by saying I worked for a friend's small business in the field which he owns. I was just offered the job I applied to this week but just found out they will do an official background check through Paycom. From my research I'm seeing they will call my friend who is more than willing to say I worked for him but I'm concerned about when they look through past tax documents…

Due to the pandemic I've had a very rough couple of years job wise. I ended up essentially losing the best paying job I've ever had from the pandemic disrupting things. In the past 2 years I've taken various odd jobs mostly outside my field with 1 part-time job in my field which also didn't pan out. I ended up finding a good looking job in another city and decided to apply basically covering up 2 years of work by saying I worked for a friend's small business in the field which he owns. I was just offered the job I applied to this week but just found out they will do an official background check through Paycom. From my research I'm seeing they will call my friend who is more than willing to say I worked for him but I'm concerned about when they look through past tax documents to see where I worked and the gaps I had. My basic question is how fucked am I? I'm guessing I won't get the job based on all this information and my embellished resume.

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