
Just needed to rant and vent

Average warehouse worker here and just the day before I was informed that we could no longer take overtime. I work 50-60hrs a week trying my best to get myself back into the green after the 2 years of lock down. Not long ago, my old 2nd handed car died and the only choice is to get a new one, so more debt. But if I continue the 50-60hrs, I'm good. But now it's only been about half a year since then and this nearly broke me. Not being able to do overtime basically cut my pay in half. Even with it, I was barely covering the cost of breathing with a tiny bit left for savings. But now, not only do I still have to cover the same amount, my pays been cut in half, I also have no idea when it will return to normal. It's a dark…

Average warehouse worker here and just the day before I was informed that we could no longer take overtime. I work 50-60hrs a week trying my best to get myself back into the green after the 2 years of lock down. Not long ago, my old 2nd handed car died and the only choice is to get a new one, so more debt. But if I continue the 50-60hrs, I'm good. But now it's only been about half a year since then and this nearly broke me.
Not being able to do overtime basically cut my pay in half. Even with it, I was barely covering the cost of breathing with a tiny bit left for savings.
But now, not only do I still have to cover the same amount, my pays been cut in half, I also have no idea when it will return to normal.
It's a dark dark tunnel without an end in sight.
Is this what anxiety feels like? Not being able to sleep, constent worrying and panicking, confused and distraught about what I can do?
Idk. But the bills don't pay itself. Gotta fine a way somehow.

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